East Coast (and a bit more)

While I was in my semester abroad in Germany, I of course talked to Germans while I was there. We would invariably end up discussing the places we had been to in each other’s countries. I had traveled quite a bit in Germany, and I had been to many German cities that quite a few other Germans had not been to. On the other hand, a lot of Germans had been to a lot of cities from the United stated that I had yet to go to. That was largely due to the fact that I had never been to the East Coast.

After I finished University, without any other plans, I had decided to move to Germany. But first, I wanted to travel within the United States a bit more. As such, I decided to spend a few months on the East Coast.

I was living in Wyoming, and I first drove to Chicago to see some friends there. One thing we did was set up a free hugs stand downtown, which was a lot of fun.

I didn’t feel like driving any further because I was afraid of my car breaking down. Additionally, I was looking to save some money, so I started hitchhiking. I went to the south side of Chicago, went to an onramp for the interstate and stuck out my thumb. Continue reading

Spring Break With Josh Part 1

Back in the spring of 2008, I was in high school, and as it goes in spring, we had a spring break where we had 2 weeks off (which is a week more than most schools got, but that is just the schedule that our school district fell into). My best friend, Josh, and I decided to go on a road trip in my Jeep. Our parents were hesitant at first, but they ultimately agreed to it since we were both pretty good kids who didn’t get into too much trouble. And so we were off! It was an amazing rush of freedom to truly go out on your own and be on your own, states (which in the USA can mean thousands of kilometers) away from your normal safety nets.

We left from Jackson and drove south to Utah, where we first visited Josh’s grandparents, which is where we took the following pic:
Just Acting Silly Continue reading