Dolden Berg Amber Lager Review

Brewery: Rhein-Ruhr Getränkspezialitäten GmbH
Brewery Location: Essen, Germany
Alcohol: 5%

This was simply a 3-pack that I saw for sale in the store here in Germany and I decided to buy it on a whim. As far as I could tell (based on the bottle), the brewery and location are as I indicated above, but I seem to find conflicting information online. It basically seems like a private craft beer brand for certain grocery stores in Germany, and I am not even sure if it’s done by one brewery or not.

Dolden Berg Amber Lager

Dolden Berg Amber Lager

Sight: Well, I can’t say it’s bad. It looks like a normal lager to me, with a pale-blonde color. What does annoy me is that it calls itself an “amber lager” although it is definitely not amber-colored in the slightest. It is almost a normal color that any other lager would provide, and that was a little misleading that it sold itself as an amber lager. There was minor head which disappeared quickly (just as an observation). Otherwise, pretty standard in appearance.

Smell: Again, like a normal lager would smell. A lightly malty note to it, although not that much.

Taste: Again, I have to say, it is like a normal lager, which is a disappointment. It has a very fancy logo on it stating, “ORIGINAL CRAFT BEER,” accompanied by another statement that it’s an Amber lager with a strong maltiness, but it really just seemed like a normal, slightly bitter and malty lager to me. Nothing to write home about.

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  • 5/10
    Sight - 5/10
  • 6/10
    Smell - 6/10
  • 6/10
    Taste - 6/10


It didn’t live up to its claim at all visually, and the taste was also sub-par. While I wouldn’t say that it was a bad beer, I would drink it if I wanted to drink some average and cheap beer (although they weren’t actually priced below average by any means). But when it says that it’s a craft beer with string maltiness, and to further claim that it’s an “amber,” I have to sadly call BS on their marketing/claims and give it some lower points. Had it just said that it was a normal lager (and priced appropriately), then the rating would be different, but I don’t feel like I got the value that I paid for and was promised (via the claims on the bottle).

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