Titan I Missile Complex

I have always been fascinated with abandoned places, and I always thought one of the coolest places to check out would be an abandoned missile silo. I posted briefly in another post (near the end) about an Atlas launch facility that I went to, but that wasn’t too exciting because it was all above ground. I wanted to go underground.

After talking to some people and doing some online sleuthing, I managed to locate a Titan I missile complex in Colorado, which wasn’t too far away from us in Laramie, Wyoming. I talked to a friend who was interested in going, so we headed out early one day.

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Bishop Castle

There aren’t many castles in the United States, but there is at least one in Colorado. The Bishop Castle has been under construction for quite a few decades and is the fruit of labor from one man. Jim Bishop bought the property and ultimately ended up building a castle upon it. He was challenged multiple times by authorities over rights of the building materials and zoning requirements, but the castle still stands strong.

A couple friends and I drove down from Wyoming to central Colorado where the castle is located at and checked it out.

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Spring Break With Josh Part 2

This is a continuation of the spring break that my friend and I went on in 2008. You can read the first part here.

We arrived later in the evening at my grandparent’s house in Phoenix. We talked with them for a while and stayed there for the night before waking up very early the following morning to go to San Diego. While driving, the highway takes you very close to the Mexico border, and we got stopped a few times by the US border patrol as they inspected all cars passing through certain checkpoints. We weren’t smuggling anyone or anything though, so we passed by without any serious delays.

We arrived in San Diego in the lat morning after about 5 hours of driving. We did the classic thing of walking around before we went to the USS Midway, a retired aircraft carrier turned museum. I unfortunately didn’t take any actual pictures of the entire aircraft carrier, but you can see some shots by looking it up in google.

Regardless, I did take a picture of a model of it.

USS Midway model

As well as various other pictures from within. Continue reading