Bishop Castle

There aren’t many castles in the United States, but there is at least one in Colorado. The Bishop Castle has been under construction for quite a few decades and is the fruit of labor from one man. Jim Bishop bought the property and ultimately ended up building a castle upon it. He was challenged multiple times by authorities over rights of the building materials and zoning requirements, but the castle still stands strong.

A couple friends and I drove down from Wyoming to central Colorado where the castle is located at and checked it out.

The dragon head would spray out fire like a flamethrower, but we didn’t get to see it happen.

He had a lot of strong views that weren’t very favorable of the government. After all he went through, though, with building his castle, I could understand.

It was a long drive to get there, but it was worth it. It was free to enter, and it was pretty impressive to see such a construction done by only one man. It definitely looked like OSHA wouldn’t be happy about everything, but that just made it seem that much more dangerous!

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